Obedience Training part 2: Techniques

In psychology, obedience training is better known as behavior modification and we will use a lot of the techniques used in psychology to modify and shape a submissive's behavior. This post is meant as an introduction and will cover the basics but not delve too deeply. You should read part one of Obedience Training first.

Classical Conditioning

This technique involves pairing an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus to produce a conditioned response. If you are familiar with psychology, you probably learned of Pavlov's experiments with dogs. Pair a bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus). The dog salivates from the food. Pair these enough times and the bell alone will produce salvation without the food being present. Classical conditioning is good for autonomic responses to stimuli or involuntary responses such as breathing, heartbeats, salvation, etc.

Classical conditioning isn't used nearly as much in submissive training but still has its uses. One of the responses it may be useful for is arousal. Say you paired a command such as "open your legs" with the use of a vibrator. The vibrator would produce arousal and if you paired these often enough the command itself would produce an arousal response such as getting wet. You don't need to use a verbal command or sound as a stimulus either. It could be a certain touch somewhere that you pair with the vibrator. After the response becomes conditioned you could use that touch anywhere to create arousal in your submissive. Perhaps at a dinner party or out shopping to add some sexy fun.

Things to keep in mind: