Fluorescent Protein Gel and Membrane Stains

SYPRO Ruby stained Protein gel

Fluorescent stains are rapid, and highly sensitive for detecting total protein in protein electrophoresis gels and membranes. Fluorescent stains are designed for use in 1D and 2D PAGE and offer sensitivities similar to that obtained with silver staining techniques. Our line of SYPRO and fluorescent stains can be used for total protein quantitation and can be viewed using a standard UV or blue-light transilluminator or with imaging instruments equipped with appropriate light sources, such as iBright Imaging Systems.

Highlights of fluorescent stains:

Compare available fluorescent protein gel and membrane stains

Fixative required only for PVDF membranes

Total protein detection

SYPRO stains provide total protein detection by binding non-covalently to proteins in the gel or membrane. Since proteins are not covalently modified by the dyes, the stains are compatible with downstream applications such as mass spectrometry, and sequencing. No-Stain Protein Labeling Reagent covalently modifies proteins in the gel or on the membrane to provide total protein detection.

SYPRO RubySYPRO OrangeSYPRO RedSYPRO TangerineCoomassie Fluor OrangeSYPRO Ruby Blot StainNo-Stain Protein Labeling Reagent
Mode of actionNon-covalently binds to basic amino acids and the polypeptide backboneNon-covalently interacts with the SDS coat around proteins in the gelNon-covalently interacts with the SDS coat around proteins in the gelNon-covalently interacts with the SDS coat around proteins in the gelNon-covalently interacts with the SDS coat around proteins in the gelNon-covalently interacts with proteins on the membraneForms covalent bonds with lysine amino acid side chains with proteins in the gel or membrane

Fluorescent detection

All the SYPRO stains have dual-excitation maxima, the dye exhibits luminescence upon excitation with either UV or visible light. This property makes it possible to visualize the luminescence with many types of instruments, including UV epi-illumination sources, UV or blue-light transilluminators, laser-scanning instruments, and CCD imaging instruments, including those with excitation light at 450 nm, 473 nm, 488 nm or 532 nm. SYPRO stains have exceptional photo stability, allowing long exposure times for maximum sensitivity.