How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan + Free Sample Plan

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Wake up and smell the business potential! In the US, 72% of adults reported drinking coffee in 2022. Globally, coffee consumption rose to 175.6 million bags of coffee from 2021 to 2022– that’s up 4.2%. In such a large, steadily growing industry, there are many possibilities for you to find a niche.

But all of that opportunity creates a heavily saturated market. Walk around your downtown and you’re likely to come across at least a few potential competitors. Starting a business in such a competitive space only adds to the risks you face by not being prepared.

So where should you begin? Start by creating a business plan. The planning process will ensure you understand the competitive landscape, price your coffee appropriately, and are ready to adapt to changing consumer preferences. This article will cover the steps necessary to write a business plan for your own coffee shop business.

Need more guidance? Download our free sample coffee shop business plan for a full business plan example that you can follow as you create your own.

What should you include in a coffee shop business plan?

Your coffee shop business plan doesn’t need to be hundreds of pages—keep it as short and concise as you can. You’ll probably want to include each of these sections:

Here’s an example of a coffee shop business plan outline. Next, we’ll dive into each of the sections individually.

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Carve out time for market research

Seeing cafes on every block is not uncommon in a lot of cities, so you will need to invest time in market research to identify your target customers and help your coffee shop business stand out.

You can start simply by walking around your area. What do you notice about the other coffee shops? Where are they located in relation to traffic patterns, and how do they appeal from the outside? Then, go inside and take note of their customer service, menu offerings, and ambience. Keeping track of what others seem to be doing well and what could be better will ultimately help your coffee shop stand out.

Consider the neighborhood where you plan to open and what locals will want from your business. Are you located near a university? If so, what kind of drinks are most popular amongst young adults? Are people in your area typically on the go, or do they prefer more of a sit-down experience?

To gather more insights, you can talk to customers and read industry publications to understand trends. You could even look into coffee shops in your town that have closed to try to figure out why they failed so you can avoid those same mistakes.

Focus on what sets you apart

To bring your coffee shop vision to life in a competitive landscape, you need to differentiate yourself in the market. Your business plan is where you focus on developing your coffee shop’s unique value proposition (UVP). You should not only understand, but be able to clearly explain what makes you different from your competitors.

Maybe you have stellar supplier relationships that will let you serve better tasting coffee for cheaper? Or maybe your coffee shop will double as a community gathering place?

Your unique value proposition explains what solves your customers’ problems, the benefits of your product or service, and why your target customers should choose to do business with you. Regardless of what sets you apart, you need to emphasize it across your business.

Create an appealing menu

A compelling menu is crucial for any food and beverage establishment. Your business plan shouldoutline your beverage offerings, as well as food if you plan to provide it. And your description of menu offerings should connect to your target market: If you’re catering to busy commuters, you can emphasize quick meals like pastries and to-go options for each of your coffees. If families are your primary market, highlight kid-friendly options like hot chocolate.

Maybe you can provide large amounts of coffee and pastries for community events or business meetings? If so, include a subsection about these additional services you can provide, since these may be part of your unique value proposition.

It’s also crucial to plan for the design aspect of your menu. If visual design isn’t your strength, mention in the plan the intention to hire a graphic designer for a professional and appealing prototype. Additionally, consider involving an editor for quality assurance – you may be able to find a trusted friend or business partner for this.

Utilize marketing and promotion strategies

In a highly competitive space like the coffee business, creating a well-thought-out marketing and promotion strategy is arguably the most important part of planning. Along with reflecting your brand’s unique appeal, the marketing plan should also be adaptable to your business’s growth over time. Consider including these key elements: